FEELING GREAT: Simple advice that will help prevent any injury problems

Golf stretching exercises, performed consistently (and properly) will increase your range of motion, your power and ultimately help to reduce your handicap.Golf stretching exercises, performed consistently (and properly) will increase your range of motion, your power and ultimately help to reduce your handicap.
Golf stretching exercises, performed consistently (and properly) will increase your range of motion, your power and ultimately help to reduce your handicap.
I hope you golfers have taken notice of my last two columns - and your scores are coming down.

Here at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms we are treating a number of players who have thrown themselves back on the fairways since courses reopened.

So this time – after last week I offered some useful tips to help prevent those injuries – I wanted to give you some simple advice: something everyone who plays (and I’m talking all sports here!) should follow to help prevent problems.

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Warm ups are vital. Getting those muscles loosened and stretched before you play is important.

Golf stretching exercises, performed consistently (and properly) will increase your range of motion, your power and ultimately help to reduce your handicap.

Perhaps just as importantly, stretching will help to reduce the occurrence of those niggling injuries that so many golfers endure.

Try these six dynamic moves on the course before you tee off:

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Neck Rotations: Standing tall and relaxed, drop your chin toward your chest; Gently roll your head toward one shoulder in a semi-circular motion. Roll it back to the front and around to the other shoulder. Repeat this continuous motion for 30 seconds.

Arm Swings: Stand tall and hold arms out to your side. Slowly swing your arms back and forth across the front of your body. Repeat this continuous motion for 30 seconds.

Trunk Rotations: Stand with a shoulder width stance. Place a club on your shoulders holding it at either end; With knees slightly bent, bend forward from the waist slightly. Turn from side to side aiming to get the ends of the club directly in front of you with each turn. Complete a total of 15-20 full swings.

Side Bends with club: Stand with a shoulder width stance. Place a club on your shoulders. Lean to one side keeping your torso straight. Do not bend forward or backwards. Hold for a count of two and then repeat to the other side. Complete 8-10 stretches each side.

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Standing pelvic tilts: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Place your hands on your waist. Tuck your pelvis under, creating a backward tilt of your pelvis. Arch your back, creating an forward tilt of your pelvis. Repeat five times in each direction with a smooth motion.

Leg Swings: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Keeping your upper body perpendicular to the ground gently swing one leg forward and backward. Do not swing your leg so hard that you can not keep your upper body from moving. Repeat for 10 full swings and repeat on other leg.

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