Candlelit vigil to be held for brave baby Carter Cookson who needs a new heart

Carter Cookson was born on Boxing Day,Carter Cookson was born on Boxing Day,
Carter Cookson was born on Boxing Day,
Crowds are invited to take part in a candlelit vigil for a baby who has suffered further complications as he battles for a new heart.

Light A Candle For Carter will be taking place outside South Shields Town Hall in Westoe Road, tomorrow, at 5.30pm.

The tribute is to raise awareness for little Carter Cookson, who at just three weeks old is hooked up to an Ecmo machine at Newcastle's Freeman hospital which is keeping him alive.

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Little Carter has less than five weeks for his new heart to be found.Little Carter has less than five weeks for his new heart to be found.
Little Carter has less than five weeks for his new heart to be found.

His parents Sarah and Chris Cookson, from South Shields, are doing all they can to help find their son a new heart as his own doesn't pump blood round his body correctly.

They have been told they have less than five weeks for a suitable organ to be found, so have launched the #findaheartforcarter campaign.

Yesterday complications also occurred with Carter's life support machine, it had to be changed due to blood clots forming in the tubes.

Sarah said: "It's very worrying as the whole machine has to be switched and this takes a while. It also puts the cannulas, which are in his arterial lines in his neck at risk too.""

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Chris and Sarah Cookson with a picture of their son Charlie.Chris and Sarah Cookson with a picture of their son Charlie.
Chris and Sarah Cookson with a picture of their son Charlie.

It's understood the Mayor of South Tyneside, Coun Ken Stephenson will also address the Cookson's plight at tomorrow night's full council meeting which will start at 6pm.

Joanne Nicholson has helped organised the vigil on behalf of the Cooksons, who launched the Charlie Cookson Foundation, following the death of their first son Charlie in October 2013, after he spent his short life battling numerous medical conditions.

Morrisons have donated a number of candles to be used during the event, put people are also encouraged to bring along their own lights.

Joanne, who is events and fundraising manager for the foundation, said: "This has very much been a group effort, with lots of people chipping in, but the main aim is to raise as much awareness as possible for Carter.

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"We are hoping this might reach the right person and in turn Carter will be found a new heart, it's the least we can do."

Sarah says she is, as always, touched by the support the family is receiving.

She said: "There's so much amazing support going on, we are oblivious living in this bubble, but we are very grateful."