Fine for South Shields man who kicked police officer

South Tyneside Magistrates' CourtSouth Tyneside Magistrates' Court
South Tyneside Magistrates' Court
A drunk who kicked a police officer collected a big fine - and a punch in the face - for his troubles.

Magistrates in South Tyneside heard that David Burnett, 30, received ’summary justice’ in the early morning fracas.

South Tyneside Magistrates Court heard Burnett, of Belay Avenue, South Shields, collected a punch to the head from a police officer he kicked in the incident.

He was than arrested, charged and brought before the court.

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Paul Anderson, prosecuting, told the court: “The incident happened at about 5.40am and officers were dealing with a disturbance outside a nightclub in South Shields” .

“They heard the sound of breaking glass as Burnett and a friend, neither of whom were involved in the original incident, approached.

“An officer asked them if they knew anything about the noise.

“They said they did not.

“They were then told to leave the scene.”

Mr Anderson explained that Burnett then started to argue with the officer.

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He said he had done nothing wrong and could stand where he wanted to.

Mr Anderson added: “This went on for a short time with Burnett goading the officers.

“At one point, he pulled his trousers down, but at least he left his underpants in place.

“As one of the officers went to arrest Burnett for being drunk and disorderly, Burnett back-kicked him.

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“The officer, fearing further assault, punched Burnett to the side of his face.”

He added: “Burnett went limp, but was found to be fit and well after being checked by paramedics.”

The court heard Burnett later apologised to the officer for kicking him.

Burnett admitted assaulting a police officer and being drunk and disorderly, both on July 23.

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Paul Kennedy, defending, said: “Mr Burnett pulled his trousers down and the officer hit him.

“The court may feel he has already received summary justice.”

He added: “He has always struggled with the drink, and he feels the police victimise him.

“But he did apologise at the time.

“He has also kept out of trouble since.”

The magistrates ordered Burnett to pay £220 in fines and costs.