'I’ll drink to that!' – Readers back Camra campaign for Government to cut draught beer duty

Readers have had their say on a possible cut in draught beer duty.Readers have had their say on a possible cut in draught beer duty.
Readers have had their say on a possible cut in draught beer duty.
A majority of Gazette readers say MPs should support a cut in duty for draught beer as Camra prepares to make its case to politicians on Tuesday, March 3.

The Campaign for Real Ale (Camra) will tell politicians in Westminster on Tuesday that there should be a preferential rate of duty for beer sold in pubs.

The introduction of a preferential rate of duty for beer served in “draught” form is meant to encourage the consumption of beer in the social environment of a pub.

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We asked in our daily Facebook poll: “Do you think MPs should support a cut in duty for draught beer?”

More than 100 readers took part in our online vote, and 73% of readers said “yes”, MPs should support a cut in duty for draught beer.

This is what readers had to say:

Robert Rain said: “Drink should be cheaper”

Chris Sayer said: “Should British or any draught beer be prioritised over British cider, gin, whisky etc? I drink more beer than anything else, but I still would like a good reason.”

Richard Abbott-Brailey said: “Support niche brewers and breweries.”

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Kay Patterson said: “Support social meeting with a drink or two, not home binging.”

Julie Barnett said: “As long as it is British.”

David Holman said: “I’ll drink to that!”

Mark Thompson said: “Its a tough one. Obviously we need to save local pubs, but alas I think the horse has already bolted from most city estate pubs.And drinking habits have now changed. Even workingmens clubs have been severely hit.”