Letter of the week: Don't take away our South Shields takeways

The empty premises in Frederick Street, South Shields, which will no longer become a takeaway.The empty premises in Frederick Street, South Shields, which will no longer become a takeaway.
The empty premises in Frederick Street, South Shields, which will no longer become a takeaway.
So that’s the third takeaway business blocked by Whitburn labour councillor Tracy Dixon (Gazette January 30).

This is the third business that has been denied a chance to flourish, up to 30 jobs not created, 30 people continuing to live on benefits without the opportunity to fend for themselves by working.

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Takeaways open until late at night, when kids should be at home tucked up in bed, so why ban them just to stop a few children using them during the day?

The first one denied was on the corner of King Street and the market, no school kids there, Tracy. So on a councillor’s whim late night revellers cannot have a takeaway if they so choose.

Coun Tracy Dixon does not have the right to think she now knows better than people themselves and try to run our lives.

Last week's Letter of the week: Why build a South Shields transport hub to bring people to a ghost town?Why doesn’t Tracy take on McDonald’s or Kentucky Fried Chicken, close them down, lawyers?

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And just think of the calories in a world famous Colmans fish and chips, shut it down Tracy.

Minchellas ice cream is a seafront must-have, kids love an ice cream. But in the past few years the kiosks have all been enlarged and remodelled.

Ocean Road curry restaurants are an obvious choice for the chop, spicy chips are obscenely delicious, I’ve just discovered cheesy keema nan, but the calories? Shut them down, Tracy.

It really boils my oil when sanctimonious politicians think they know best and force their bias on the rest of us, especially when they have had a sea-change in their own lives, gone vegan, found religion, slimmed down, force their new found opinions down our throats, or in this case, not.

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So Tracy, grab a tray of chips and gravy, enjoy a hometime kebab and stop denying businesses employment opportunities, shoppers vote with their feet, if I want a greasy takeaway after a few beers on a weekend it’s my right, not your decision Tracy Dixon, it’s mine.