Rain halts play at Hebburn hub

Hebburn CentralHebburn Central
Hebburn Central
A multi-million pound community hub has come under fire after football sessions were cancelled because of flooding.

Staff at Hebburn Central in Glen Street were forced to suspend five-a-side football sessions in the sports hall due to the effects of Monday night’s downpour.

The rain had managed to get into the area causing a flood. Yesterday, contractors were on site to repair the damage.

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As a safety measure, staff took the decision to cancel the five-a-side football sessions.

South Tyneside Council say all other activites at the centre went ahead as normal as only a section of the sports hall was affected.

One centre user, who was contacted by staff to say their regular session could not go ahead, said: “We used to play football at two community centres. They closed the old one down in Argyle Street as they said the roof was damaged and it flooded.

“They’ve spent £10 million plus on this building and yet we are told we can’t play football because the sports hall has flooded - the irony of it.

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“When I was contacted by staff from the Hebburn hub to say we wouldn’t be able to play due to flooding, I took it with a pinch of salt.

“But the fact they’ve spent all this money on this building, it is irritating.

“The weather was bad last night but it wasn’t stormy or anything. What’s going to happen when the weather gets even worse.

“I haven’t been given any indication as to how long it is going to be out of use for.”

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The community hub was opened last year at a cost of £13 million and includes a swimming pool, learning centre, dance studio, sports hall, soft play area and cafe.

In it’s first year the centre recorded 221,000 leisure admissions and 2,367 members.

A spokesman for the council said: “There is a small leak in the roof of the sports hall at Hebburn Central. Contractors are currently on site repairing the leak.

“As a safety precaution, five-a-side football sessions have been cancelled. All other activities will go ahead as planned, as the affected area can be cordoned off.”