South Shields boy trapped in hospital as family desperately search for suitable home

Liam Guest with mam Claire CartyLiam Guest with mam Claire Carty
Liam Guest with mam Claire Carty
A little boy who is battling a rare medical disorder is trapped in hospital as his parents desperately search for a suitable home.

Two-year-old Liam Guest has been battling a range of medical conditions since he was born - which leaves him relying on oxygen and being fed through a peg in his stomach.

Earlier this month, following a number of tests, he was finally diagnosed with Rars 2 mutations mitochondrial disease - a condition his parents believe also claimed the life of his sister Shannon who died at the age of just three in 2010.

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Liam GuestLiam Guest
Liam Guest

The youngster is being treated at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary where he is currently being treated for pneumonia after his condition took a turn for the worse.

His parents, Claire Carty and James Guest, can’t bring him home to their privately rented upper floor flat in Stanhope Road, South Shields, because it is unsuitable for his recovery.

They are now desperately looking for more suitable accommodation.

James was forced to give up his job as a window cleaner in order to care for their other two boys - James, nine, and Ryan, four - while Claire spends the majority of her time at Liam’s bedside during his many hospital stays.

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The couple have enlisted the help of South Tyneside Council but, as yet, they say no suitable property can be found.

And until one is, they won’t be able to bring their son home.

Claire said: “We are struggling. Liam’s condition is getting worse and he is going to need oxygen tanks in the home.

“I have about 30 boxes of his special feeds delivered, and there’s his tubes, his B-Chair and other equipment to help him.

“It just seems the council have nothing which is suitable.

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“I wish we had £3,000 for a deposit, to rent privately, but we don’t.”

A spokesman for South Tyneside Council said: “We fully empathise with the stress the family is experiencing due to Liam’s complex needs and have been pro actively searching for the right property.

“We have been liaising regularly with the community team and the hospital and are still awaiting confirmation from the hospital as to whether Liam can or cannot be discharged home to the family’s current property.”