Youngsters make a stand against bullies

Coun Joan Atkinson with the youngsters and the giant pink T-shirt.Coun Joan Atkinson with the youngsters and the giant pink T-shirt.
Coun Joan Atkinson with the youngsters and the giant pink T-shirt.
Young people in South Tyneside have joined forces to send a strong message that bullying will not be tolerated.

Youngsters throughout the borough have signed mini pink fabric T-shirts in support of International Stand Up to Bullying Day.

The international campaign was started by two young American men who took a stand for a fellow student who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school.

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Now the mini T-shirts have been sewn together to make a giant T-shirt, which has gone on display at Simonside climbing wall in South Shields.

Coun Joan Atkinson, lead member for children, young people and families, said: “Our Friends Against Bullying Group has done a fantastic job again this year in encouraging so many of our young people to back this campaign.

“This campaign allows young people to make a pledge to fight bullying in all its forms while showing their support for victims.”

Coun Atkinson added: “We recognise the very real harm and misery that bullying can cause so it is incredibly positive to see our young people working so hard to tackle this issue.

“By working with our young people, we hope to make bullying a thing of the past in South Tyneside.”