Produced by Trinity Digital Films, Morningstar combines narration and drama to explore Wycliffe's life as never before. It will open to general release in Autumn 2022.
Murdo Macleod, Director of Morningstar said: "I am passionate to tell this story, of which "Morningstar" forms the first part, and I believe that it will find a wide audience, keen to watch the rest of the story and discover more about the Christian Reformation."
1. The start of filming
The first shot taken of the film was from Tower Bridge Photo: Morningstar
2. The set of Morningstar
The crew film on the set of Morningstar (Cinematographer, Michael Masvisvi, and Director of Morningstar, Murdo Macleod) Photo: Trinity Digital Films
3. Rehearsals on the green screen
The actors run through their lines and warm-up for filming on set. Photo: Trinity Digital Films
4. Filming in Belgium
The crew set up for filming in the beautiful city of Bruges in Belgium Photo: Trinity Digital Films