The Canadian chain’s outlet at next to Boldon’s Cineworld cinema opened its doors at 7am on Monday, October 18.
First customers in the walk-in and drive-thru queues received a year’s free supply of coffee to celebrate.
We were there to capture the grand opening on camera – check out our picture special.
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. pjimage (10).jpg
The Boldon branch of Tim Hortons opened on Monday, October 18. Did you go along early doors? Photo: JPIMedia

. Waiting patiently
Customers queued for hours before the store opened at 7am on Monday. Photo: Stu Norton

9. Happy family
First customers Carl Tudor and Cherelle Rutherford with children Chloe Nichol, 11, Samuel Mason, 4, Isabella Mason, 7 and baby Dylan Tudor, 6 months. Photo: Stu Norton

10. Treat time
Drive-thru customers join the queue to jump-start their Monday with a drink and snack. Photo: Stu Norton

11. Cheers!
The first drive-thru customer Craig Henderson celebrates receives a year's free coffee Photo: Stu Norton

12. An orderly queue
Customers wait for their turn at the new Boldon Tim Hortons. Photo: Stu Norton