The Crown and Anchor in Chapel Road has seen a complete transformation over the last few months while the lockdown measures have been in place.
The historic boozer was taken over by new landlord Gareth Carr in November 2019.
After seeing little investment for several decades, it has been fully refurbished inside and out, with the addition of a stylish outdoor seating area.
The new-look pub will welcome its first customers on Saturday, with social distancing measures in place in line with government guidance.
We take a look inside ahead of the big day.

. FotoJet (99).jpg
The Crown and Anchor in Jarrow has had a complete revamp since it was taken over by a new landlord in November. Photo: JPI

. The Crown & Anchor Pub & Kitchen
Landlord Gareth Carr took over the historic pub in November, 2019 and has renamed it the Crown & Anchor Pub & Kitchen. Photo: Stu Norton

. Pull up a stool
Areas of the pub will be cleaned regularly, with signs directing customers to where is safe to sit. Photo: Stu Norton

. Before
The Crown and Anchor in January this year before the £75,000 revamp. Photo: Stu Norton

1. The Crown & Anchor Pub & Kitchen
Landlord Gareth Carr took over the historic pub in November, 2019 and has renamed it the Crown & Anchor Pub & Kitchen. Photo: Stu Norton

2. Pull up a stool
Areas of the pub will be cleaned regularly, with signs directing customers to where is safe to sit. Photo: Stu Norton

3. Before
The Crown and Anchor in January this year before the £75,000 revamp. Photo: Stu Norton

4. Cheers!
Landlord Gareth Carr is delighted with how the pub has turned out. Photo: Stu Norton