Tens of thousands of you turned out to get a glimpse of the relay which took the torch on its slow journey to London for the 2012 games.
From Shields town centre to Souter and Whitburn, the crowds were everywhere for the historic parade.
Did we get you on camera? Take a look at these memorable photos.
. Were you there?
The crowds were out for the torch parade 10 years ago. Did you see it all? Photo: sg
. Braving the weather
Crowds wait for the Olympic Torch to arrive at South Shields Town Hall. Photo: Tim Richardson
. A historic day
A big day as the torch heads to South Shields. Photo: Tim Richardson
1. Ready and waiting in Penshaw
Standing room only at Penshaw for the Olympic torch parade. Photo: Picture by Peter Berry
2. Flags galore
Wrapped up against the rain in Penshaw. Photo: Picture by Peter Berry
3. High fives in Penshaw
One of the police motorcyclists pictured greeting the crowds at Penshaw. Photo: Picture by Peter Berry
4. On the bridge
Waiting patiently on the Wearmouth Bridge. Recognise anyone? Photo: Picture by Peter Berry