Listed are 10 day nurseries and nursery schools and their rating from Ofsted, which ranges from ‘Outstanding’ to ‘Inadequate’, based on inspections made in 2018 and 2019. The data is the latest available on the Ofsted website. Nurseries are listed in order of the most recent inspection report.

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These are the ratings of every nursery in South Shields following recent inspections by Ofsted | Other 3rd Party Photo: Shutterstock
. Nursery Time Kindergarten
Ofsted rating: Good. Latest report: 22-08-2019 | Other 3rd Party Photo: Google

. Forest View Primary
Ofsted rating: Good. Latest report: 26-04-2019 | Other 3rd Party Photo: Shutterstock

. Stanley’s at Ridgeway
Ofsted rating: Outstanding. Latest report: 04-04-2019 | Other 3rd Party Photo: Shutterstock
5. Westoe Crown Primary School
Ofsted rating: Good.Latest report: 15-06-2018 | Other 3rd Party Photo: Google
6. Harton Primary School
Ofsted rating: Good. Latest report: 11-06-2018 | Other 3rd Party Photo: Google
7. St Osward’s RC Voluntary Aided Primary School
Ofsted rating: Good. Latest report: 21-03-2018 | Other 3rd Party Photo: Google

8. Laygate Community School
Ofsted rating: Good. Latest report: 05-03-2018 | Other 3rd Party Photo: Shutterstock