From Little Mix’s Jade Thirlwall opening a cocktail bar on Ocean Road to the takeover of a number of traditional boozers, the borough has seen a host of new – and old – drinking spots open their doors over the last year.
New landlords in Jarrow believe the once-booming pub scene could be set for a revival, while landmark venues such as the Sea Hotel have seen major investment.
Have you had a night to remember (or forget) in any of these popular South Tyneside drinking spots?
. Harbour Lights
The former landlords of the Holborn Rose and Crown took over the Harbour Lights on Lawe Top in September 2019. | JPIMedia Photo: Stu Norton
. Beehive Inn
The Beehive Inn on Mile End Road was taken over by a new landlord in October 2019. | Johnston Press Photo: Stu Norton
. River View Pub & Kitchen
The former Riverside pub at Mill Dam reopened as the River View Pub & Kitchen in November 2019 after being closed for 18 months. | Johnston Press Photo: Stu Norton
1. Harbour Lights
The former landlords of the Holborn Rose and Crown took over the Harbour Lights on Lawe Top in September 2019. | JPIMedia Photo: Stu Norton
2. Beehive Inn
The Beehive Inn on Mile End Road was taken over by a new landlord in October 2019. | Johnston Press Photo: Stu Norton
3. River View Pub & Kitchen
The former Riverside pub at Mill Dam reopened as the River View Pub & Kitchen in November 2019 after being closed for 18 months. | Johnston Press Photo: Stu Norton
4. Bar 52
The sports bar opened as part of a major refurbishment of the Sea Hotel in South Shields in June 2019. | Johnston Press Photo: Stu Norton