The team at South Tyneside Council regularly give businesses, shops and premises food hygiene ratings following assessments.
These are the new five star ratings for South Tyneside businesses which were awarded new star ratings across March 2024.
Ratings range from zero to five stars, with zero meaning urgent improvement is required, one-star meaning major improvement is necessary, two-stars indicating some improvement is necessary, three meaning hygiene standards are generally satisfactory while four means hygiene standards are good and five means standards are very good.
All information is correct at the time of writing according to the Food Standards Agency.

1. These are all the new top food hygiene ratings in South Tyneside.
These are all the new top food hygiene ratings in South Tyneside. | Victoria Jones Photo: Victoria Jones

2. Colmans Seafood temple
Colmans Seafood Temple has a five star hygiene rating following an inspection last month. | Google Photo: Google

3. David's Foods
David's Foods, which is registered at an address on Eglesfield Road in South Shields, was also given top marks last month. | Google

4. desk-6724602206418758448.jpg
The Harbour Lights pub on Lawe Road has a five star rating following an inspection in March. | Harbour Lights Photo: Google Maps