Charity voices fears over plan for housing development on former glassworks site

The Campaign to Protect Rural England’s County Durham branch says the buildings on the ex-Mayflower Glass site in Moor Lane, would be an imposition on the Green Belt and would also cause potential safety hazards through increased traffic.
However, South Tyneside Council bosses say the land has already been developed and is part of an industrial site.
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Gillan Gibson, secretary of the charity, said: “We have objected to the proposals and note and support the views of the East Boldon Residents’ Association.
“The building proposals are a departure from the adopted Local Plan and the development, while on land allocated for employment use outside the Green Belt, is part of a protrusion into the Green Belt.
“If permitted the design, both of the buildings and the layout, must be of the highest standard, and the impact on the Green Belt carefully considered.”
Developers want to build 13 houses on the site and create new vehicle access from Moor Lane and Whitburn Road.
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Hide AdBut the charity believes the proposed access onto Whitburn Road is dangerous and claims the approach from Moor Lane is effectively blind, as is the right hand turn into Cleadon Lane
A spokesman for STC said: “The site in question is previously developed land; a factory building is located upon it and this land forms part of the industrial estate. The Green Belt land is located adjacent to the site.
“This is an outline planning application which is still live.
“Residents and commercial premises have been notified of the application and publicity has been undertaken. Any representations received will be given careful consideration and a decision on the application will be reached in accordance with planning policy.
“The application will be determined by Planning Committee in due course.”