Who remembers Pebble Mill at One? How about Cheggers Plays Pop or Grange Hill. They all made the TV screens in the UK in 1978 and we are heading back to that year for a look at what was happening in our local schools.
It was also the year of Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta belting out a mega hit.
Closer to home, here are eight reminders of schools that made the news in the South Tyneside area 46 years ago.
So if you were pictured at Hedworthfield or Ashley Road, Mortimer or Ridgeway, you could be in our picture selection.
Take a look.

1. Take a look and re-live the memories
How many of these school scenes do you remember? Photo: sg

2. A flashback to July 78 at Ashley Road
Children at Ashley Road School sit in groups in this retro view. Can you spot someone you know? Photo: South Shields Gazette

3. On the beach on a sunny June day
Pupils from Ridgeway Junior School began the mammoth task of cleaning up Shields beaches in this 1978 photo. Photo: Shjelds Gazette

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Teacher Margaret Hayes is pictured in charge of the book shop at Hedworthfield School, just before it was opened to the public. Photo: sg