FEELING GREAT: Running in cold is good for you

Jogging in low temperatures can have its benefits.Jogging in low temperatures can have its benefits.
Jogging in low temperatures can have its benefits.
Just because the temperatures outside have dropped, shouldn’t mean you should stop pounding the pavements.

I was talking with a client I used to treat who at the start of the year decided to take up running to live a more active life. Each week, he got outside and upped his mileage, and as a result, told me he’s feeling great! He can now walk further for longer, doesn’t get out of breath when taking the stairs, and has a lot more energy throughout the day.

But the other day he said to me that now it’s got colder in the mornings, his desire to get out and run is fading away – even though he doesn’t want to stop this good habit he’s kept to so well!

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I know a lot of people are likely to be feeling this way too, so I wanted to share four good reasons why running in cold weather is actually good for you.

1. It’s The Ideal Weather For Running

Believe it or not, cold weather is actually ideal for your run.

The colder the weather, the less heat and stress on the body, which makes it significantly easier to run.

Running in hot weather is taxing on the body, you’ve got to hydrate even more and make sure you don’t overheat.

2. Running In The Cold Promotes Weight Loss

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Running in the cold can actually burn more calories as the body has to expend more energy on staying warm. During the Autumn and Winter months it’s a lot more tempting to move less

and eat more – so taking your run outside is a great way to maintain your weight or help you lose some.

3. Running Can Keep You Feeling Great!

As the nights creep in, levels of a feel-good chemical in your brain fall, which can bring on something called Seasonal Affect Disorder in some people.

Running helps release powerful hormones that help combat this ‘dull’ feeling, increasing positive mood states during the colder months.

4. It Strengthens Your Heart

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Cold weather makes the heart work harder to distribute blood flow throughout the body. If you exercise on a regular basis, running in the cold can make your heart even stronger and will help you prepare for your summer workouts, and not to mention, you’ll be able to run further for


And if you want to know more about the exact steps you need to take, please look here: www.paulgoughphysio.com/sports-injury-clinic where there is a free report waiting for you with all my best “do this, but don’t do that” tips on how to get fit quick and keep injuries at bay.