Poem: When I was young

And lay on my back watching clouds in the skies
Put a book on a roller skate and whizzed down the street
And got threpence a day to buy a sweet treat
I played in the street or along the old line
Catching bumble bees to pass the time
Or down by the pond where the sticklebacks swam
Then thru the park and back to mam
I scratched Jack Frost off a window pane
And sledged like a rocket down the back lane
Hands and feet that felt like ice
But a roaring fire thawed them out nice
I played three baller off the wall
And skipped in the street with one and all
I played hide and seek behind the netty
And ran races thru streets till puffed and sweaty
Out on my bike all alone
I’d have an adventure before going home
I discovered nature with hands and eyes
And was always asking how, when, what, and why?
I had no Facebook, I had no twitter
I wrote and sent cards and letters
I had no web, no iPad, no phone
But I had the chance to explore and roam
Now I am an OAP
I am rich with memories
Of when I was young
Georgina Smith