Meet the candidates standing in the Beacon and Bents ward in the 2023 local elections

(L-R) Top: David Francis, Ali Hayder Bottom: Masuda Rahman(L-R) Top: David Francis, Ali Hayder Bottom: Masuda Rahman
(L-R) Top: David Francis, Ali Hayder Bottom: Masuda Rahman
Meet the candidates standing in the Beacon and Bents ward in the 2023 local elections

With council elections just around the corner, we’re shining the spotlight on South Tyneside’s candidates in the run-up to polling day.

Voters are due to head to polling stations on Thursday, May 4, to either re-elect or replace holders of around a third of seats on South Tyneside Council.

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This year, one seat in all 18 of the borough’s wards will be up for grabs, with around 70 candidates in the running.

All candidates have been given the opportunity to tell readers why they’re standing and why you should vote for them.

Here’s what candidates in the Beacon and Bents ward have to say.

*Candidates are listed in the order they appeared on South Tyneside Council’s list of candidates at the close of nominations.*

David Francis (Green Party)

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In 2019, the people of Beacon and Bents put their faith in me and elected me as the first Green Party councillor in South Tyneside.

Since then, I’ve been joined by two fantastic colleagues, Sue and Sarah, alongside Green Party councillors in other parts of the borough.

I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved – from working on the Climate and Ecological emergencies, pushing South Tyneside to become a Fair Tax council and working to improve local democracy whilst also taking daily action on issues for individual residents, families, local businesses and community groups.

I’d love to be able to continue this work in Beacon and Bents so please vote Green again on May 4.

Ali Hayder (Conservative Party)

As your councillor I will stand up for your concerns.

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I have been campaigning in the local Beacon and Bents area for many years.

I have ensured that the council has resurfaced roads and fixed numerous potholes. I am always present in the community and residents know I care.

I have long campaigned to sort out parking facilities, which are discouraging people from coming to our town centre, this is why I will push for free parking in council car parks.

I’m angered by the lack of care shown by the council for our area and I want that to change.

So on May 4 put a cross next to my name. Thank you.

Masuda Rahman (Labour Party)

Dear Resident,

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I am delighted to introduce myself as your Labour Party candidate for the Beacon and Bents ward. I am proud to have the opportunity to represent the ward as the first British Bangladeshi female candidate.

A vote for me is a vote for positive change. I’m a person with a new vision for Beacon and Bents, I can bring about the change needed for Beacon and Bents.

I will fight to keep more resources in our ward.

I will be at the forefront of the discussion of the much needed regeneration of our town centre as we all know our town centre desperately needs to be brought back to life. This will be one of my priorities.

Your VOTE your choice, make it count, vote for me on May 4.

David Wood (Independent)

(No picture provided)

I’m committed to improving our local communities, better pavements, better roads, tackling litter and graffiti.