South Tyneside grandfather and grandson star in RNIB charity video

A South Tyneside grandfather is helping a national sight-loss charity continue to celebrate 80 years of its Talking Books service.

Graham Cook, who is registered blind, is marking eight decades of the Royal National Institute of Blind People’s Talking Books by reading them with his three-year-old grandson Edward.

The pair enjoyed Talking Books so much they took part in a charity video with other grandparents and their grandchildren about their experiences.

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Mr Cook said: “Being able to use Talking Books with my grandson Edward has been a lot of fun for both of us. I started losing my sight a month before he was born and thought I’d never experience reading a story with my grandson.

“Using Talking Books has opened up a new world for Edward and I to enjoy together.”

With more than 23,000 books, the Talking Books library is the biggest of its kind in Europe.

Clive Gardiner, group head of digital and content at RNIB, said: “Reading to a grandchild can be a bonding experience for grandparents and their grandchild. We know that grandparents with sight loss can often feel they’re missing out on a special part of their grandchild’s life.”

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He added: “Using RNIB’s free Talking Books service means grandparents and their grandchildren can still have the pleasure of reading together. We hope more grandparents sign up to use Talking Books and continue to have reading adventures.”

See Mr Cook and his grandson Edward use Talking Books in this video: