The annual Heritage at Risk register offers an update on buildings and areas around the country that are most at risk from being lost.
Used as a part of the UK Government’s official statistics, the register highlights cultural assets which are at risk through neglect, decay or development which is inappropriate for the area according to Heritage England.
Grade one listed buildings and registered parks and gardens are covered by the register, in addition to scheduled monuments, historic battlefields, protected wreck sites and conservation areas which are considered to be at risk.
Grade two listed buildings of religious significance are also included in the register which began in the mid 1980s.
England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own registers.
Within South Tyneside there are six points of concern, with two in Jarrow and Cleadon with one each in Boldon and Whitburn.

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Six buildings and areas in South Tyneside are on the Heritage at Risk Register. Photo: Google/Photojoiner

2. Christ Church, Jarrow
This Jarrow Church on Grange Road West has been described by Historic England as showing "slow decay." The group also say: "Remedial works have been completed to the tip of the spire: however concerns remain about the deteriorating condition of the tower stonework. Discussions have taken place to identify potential sources of funding for repairs." Photo: Google

3. Church of St Paul
This church to the east of Jarrow is a grade one listed building and Historic England say: "A 2021 structural assessment identified structural defects on the tower. Halting repairs have been undertaken, and netting installed on the south west corner. Discussions are on-going regarding a long-term solution." Photo: Google

4. Cleadon Water Tower
Cleadon Water Tower is considered to be in poor condition according to Historic England. The group says: "a condition survey and schedule of repairs have been prepared with funding from Historic England. Discussions are underway about a first phase of work." to repair the detached chimney at Cleadon Pumping Station. Photo: Google