The pits may be long gone but the memories live on for many North East families.
Did you work in one of these pits? What about your family members?
Have a look at these photos from the archives of the Sunderland Echo, Shields Gazette and Hartlepool Mail.
And after you have done that, why not get in touch and share your memories of your time at the pits.
1. Harton and Westoe Miners' Lodge
Back to July 1970 and the banner of Harton and Westoe Miners' Lodge hangs high outside the empty buildings of Harton Colliery which was closed a year earlier. | SGPhoto: Shields Gazette
2. Whitburn Pit
The last days of Whitburn Pit in 1968. | SGPhoto: Shields Gazette
3. Wearmouth in 1987
Allan Clark (right), deputy manager of Wearmouth Colliery, and fellow miners celebrate the lifting of one million tons of coal in January 1987. | SEPhoto: Sunderland Echo
4. Boldon Colliery
Boldon Colliery pit head and employees in November 1969. Did you work there? | SGPhoto: Shields Gazette