Mrs Campbell's reception class at Lord Blyton Primary School in 2014.Mrs Campbell's reception class at Lord Blyton Primary School in 2014.
Mrs Campbell's reception class at Lord Blyton Primary School in 2014. | SG

Nine photos of new starters at South Tyneside primary schools in years past

It's back to school for today's South Tyneside retro

All 10 photos show children in reception classes across South Tyneside in years gone by.

There are scenes from Lord Blyton and Whitburn, Mortimer Primary and Boldon.

How about a retro reminder of classes at Ashley Primary and Fellgate too. We have all these and more so why not have a browse through these Shields Gazette archive scenes.

How about a retro reminder of classes at Ashley Primary and Fellgate too. We have all these and more so why not have a browse through these Shields Gazette archive scenes.