From shipyard scenes to a dual carriageway taking shape – we’ve covered it all in Jarrow.
Here are nine scenes to show you just how many different events our Gazette photographers have attended over the decades.
There is everything from a sports day to a choir and a rugby match to factory visits.
Do our photos trigger great memories? Take a look and then get in touch to tell us more.

1. Winners in 1979
Staff from Allen Bradley's factory on the Bede Estate, Jarrow, held a mini Miss World contest in 1979. Did you work at the factory? | SG Photo: Shields Gazette

2. Back to 1955
Back to June 1955 and the commissioning of the anti submarine 'URSA' at Palmers, Jarrow. | SG Photo: Shields Gazette

3. A Christmas scene from 1990
Pupils from St Matthew's Primary School, Jarrow performed at Park Road Methodist Church, Bede Burn Road in 1990. Do you recognise any of these Year 6 pupils? | SG Photo: Shields Gazette

4. Sports day
Can you spot anyone you know in this 1988 Ellison Junior School photo? | SG Photo: Shields Gazette