Let’s pay tribute to some of the people who have run South Tyneside’s pubs over the years.
Landlords and landladies manage hostelries all over the borough and do a marvellous job which includes so much more than just serving drinks.
So join us as we pay tribute to them and the excellent work they have done over the years in this retro collection.
1. Cheering on England at The Fountain
The landlord and staff at the Fountain Inn who were pictured supporting England in 2006, complete with a 10ft tall inflatable fan. | SG Photo: Shields Gazette
2. At the Rose and Crown
A Halloween fundraiser at the Rose and Crown in 2009 with landlord Bob Overton in the photo. | SG Photo: Shields Gazette
3. A cracking reminder at The Kelly
Landlady of The Kelly pub in Hebburn, Brenda Hallowell hosted a 50 year anniversary band festival with the help of staff, Callum Carney and customer, Kevin Merrifield. Remember this from 2015? | SG Photo: Corrina Atlkinson
4. Supporting charity at The Clock
They were supporting charity in this 2009 event at The Clock in Hebburn. Landlord Norman Scott is pictured in the middle. | SG Photo: Shields Gazette