Plans approved for revamp of Harbour Lights pub in South Shields, including new pizza oven area

Harbour Lights, Lawe Road, South Shields. Picture: Google MapsHarbour Lights, Lawe Road, South Shields. Picture: Google Maps
Harbour Lights, Lawe Road, South Shields. Picture: Google Maps
Plans to renovate a South Shields pub site with revamped spaces and a pizza oven area have been given the green light by council development chiefs.

South Tyneside Council’s planning department has approved an application for the Harbour Lights pub in the town’s Beacon and Bents ward.

The venue, which is based at Lawe Road in a location overlooking the River Tyne, has been earmarked for redevelopment by applicant Star Pubs & Bars.

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This included plans for a new rear flat roof extension to extend female toilet facilities, a new side entrance to the pub and timber posts and ‘festoon lighting’ in the beer garden area.

Plans also included a bin storage area, as well as “full external repair and redecoration” works to the pub, with repairs to the shopfront and pilasters and the removal of vegetation above signage and gutters.

Elsewhere, plans included extraction equipment for a new pizza oven area based in the centre of the venue near the existing conservatory area.

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Submitted floor plans also showed extra seating and tables in the beer garden area, and minor changes to seating arrangements in other indoor spaces including the main bar area.

During a council public consultation on the plans, one comment was submitted in support welcoming the investment into the pub.

The Gorse Avenue resident said: “ I am all for these plans, we have lost too many of our old pubs. Lets keep the area alive and this pub open and hopefully more profitable.

“Everyone loves pizza and especially stone baked, [I] think [it] will be an asset to the local area and a great addition to the already lovely pub”.

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After considering the planning application and assessing it against planning policies, South Tyneside Council’s planning department approved it on September 22, 2023.

A council decision report noted that the external works were being proposed as “the property has deteriorated and is in need of repair”.

Council planners added that the installation of the pizza oven extract was acceptable given its “limited size” and that external works would “enhance the visual amenity of the property”.

The council decision report added: “The closest residential property to the proposed development is 100 Lawe Road, which adjoins the application site to the west.

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“Further properties are located a short distance to the north at Guillemot House and 10 Beacon Street.

“Given the scale of the works proposed, and their location, it is considered that it would have no unacceptable impacts on the amenities or privacy of the occupiers of any neighbouring properties”.

Under planning conditions the renovation works must be brought forward within three years.

For more information on the planning application or council decision, visit South Tyneside Council’s planning portal website and search reference: ST/0538/23/FUL