We are seeing little benefit
After growing unease by Tory councils hit by cuts he has decided to announce a £30million relief fund to help take the sting out of the cuts.
Who you might ask is to get this help? Well, not the Labour-run councils.
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Hide AdHe is helping Oxfordshire council where his own mother and aunt are actively campaigning against the cuts.
They are getting £9million while Surrey get £24million, £19million to Hampshire, £16million to Hertfordshire. I could go on but suffice to say that 83% of the money is to go to Tory-run councils mainly in the southern Shires.
Major Labour-run councils for the most part will get nothing.
This is a blatant misuse of public funds and an attempt to sway opinion in the run-up to the forthcoming elections.
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Hide AdIt is only a short time since Mr Cameron exchanged letters with the chief executive of his own council telling them to manage their finances better to which the council responded that 500 jobs were in jeopardy.
What then has changed since apart from an imminent election and the displeasure of his fellow Tories.
No doubt the Tory Trolls, who seem to follow my letters will have something to say to show that “we are all in it together”.
Excuse me, if I beg to differ, as I think that the Tories are coming unstuck with the economy and Mr Osborne will be faced before long with the prospect of raising taxes or further cuts.
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Hide AdHe has now said that he expects a £10million surplus in the last year of his Parliament, although there is some doubt as to whether he can achieve it.
The economy has run for years on the ballooning of house prices in the South and no real growth has taken place. We in particular in this area are constantly hearing of closing industries and from our perspective things are getting worse all the time.
Richard Beck