K Price, general manager of Binns, South Shields, cuts the cake to celebrate the firm's 50th anniversary in the town in 1977. Pictured left to right re: E Dennison, G Witten, assistant general manager; and Mrs R Cooper, boutique buyer. Photo: Shields GazetteK Price, general manager of Binns, South Shields, cuts the cake to celebrate the firm's 50th anniversary in the town in 1977. Pictured left to right re: E Dennison, G Witten, assistant general manager; and Mrs R Cooper, boutique buyer. Photo: Shields Gazette
K Price, general manager of Binns, South Shields, cuts the cake to celebrate the firm's 50th anniversary in the town in 1977. Pictured left to right re: E Dennison, G Witten, assistant general manager; and Mrs R Cooper, boutique buyer. Photo: Shields Gazette | SG

Nine retro photos of Binns in South Shields- re-live the memories of the famous store

Binns was a South Shields staple before closing nearly 30 years ago.

The High Street favourite may have closed 28 years ago but the memories live on and we have got 17 for you.

Take a look through our photographs of the store which was a South Shields favourite.

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